DATE --- 2055_03_04
FROM --- anne.archiste@shockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
TO --- rel@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
GPG_SIG --- 141661418f972c2e0821632c3a7aea6c

I'm back.

And ready to kick more corporate ass.

-- Anne Archiste

anne please come to the meeting spot, we're worried sick about you still.
Hell yeah. Welcome back, comrade. Looking forward to wrecking some Humanis heads with ya.
Finally some good news!
DATE --- 2055_02_28
FROM --- zeitgeist@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
TO --- rel@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
GPG_SIG --- 4b301a871bd65597e45fd50689a87d16

muller-schlutter infotech decking tech r&d

hot off the presses, we got stuff muller-schlutter was working on recently. apparently they tried to infuse cyberdecks with cybermantic power to allow high essence creatures to jack into the matrix.

you know what that means. good ol goldensnout lofwyr is tired of simply ruling in the material domain, and wants to extend his vile influence in the matrix, too. unluckily for him, the shit doesn't work, and also we can see what he's doing - whether he does it through a subsidiary or not.

-- Zeitgeist

💾 muller-schlutter_matrix_cyberdeck_mockups.9z

gaddam, is this connected to the giant explosion they had happen over there yesterday? id idn't know you guys rolled this hard core
we roll as hard as we need, friend.
lol i live right next to the compound. apparently the shadowrunners who got into the building and blew it up disguised themselves as pizza delivery. pizza delivery! Can you imagine the reaming poor security got the next day?
There's nobody left to give the reaming, word is the intruders killed the CEO.
Definitely wouldn't know anything about that, though. ;)
DATE --- 2055_01_27
FROM --- zeitgeist@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
TO --- rel@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
GPG_SIG --- 4b301a871bd65597e45fd50689a87d16

shiawase berlin expansion plans

fresh dump from the local shiawase subsidiary. it's a merc company. they're planning to raze down half of pankow to get a heavy industry district going. as if we don't have enough from lofwyr's shitty company.

inside the file are detailed plans for the expansion, including the so-called acceptable civilian casualties. disgusting shit.

-- Zeitgeist

💾 shiawase_expansion_2055-2059.9z

Impressive. Shiawase infosec has always eluded me. Well met, Shockwave Riders.
i used to be a shiawase wageslave, shits crazy. they pay good tho
What is Flux State gonna do about this? I live in a Pankow kiez and I don't want no Shiawase goons on my doorstep.
you wanna know what flux state's gonna do? ask the mirror, and your local friends.
all of u r next, elf lovers
Get a new schtick, orcslayer.
DATE --- 2055_01_03
FROM --- imperative@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
TO --- rel@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
GPG_SIG --- e617db00572f7ebc4db3b617d7c0d73b

Anne Archiste kidnapped

Anne Archiste has disappeared yesterday. We fear she may have been kidnapped by one of the megas. Any chummers who know anything about this feel free to visit the Falcon.

And to the corporate scum - we aren't afraid. All of us have planned for the inevitability of your terror. Don't forget, riding the shockwave is what we do best.

-- imperative

My well wishes to her. She has always been a trusted comrade. She's quite a trooper, I think whatever mega laid hands on her will regret it soon!
good riddance.
marie, or should i say henrietta, how's it going over there on 17 charlottenstrasse, apt 3a?
wtf dude not cool!!!
all of u r next, elf lovers
DATE --- 2054_12_17
FROM --- zeitgeist@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
TO --- rel@schockwellenreiter.frei.v_3
GPG_SIG --- 4b301a871bd65597e45fd50689a87d16

last bloodline dump

the final bits of the aztech bloodline project. this one contains the runic symbols required during the blood ceremony.

this project is just latest proof of what every shadowrunner already knows. aztechnology is metahumanity's poison, held up by deft pr. but ya can't shine up shit and call it el dorado, can you?

-- Zeitgeist

💾 aztech_bloodline_occult.9z

this shit is scary. im not chum with blood magic but it seems to be some ceremony that can work across bloodlines. magic nuke level shit. why the hell are you posting this for everoyne to see??
Marie, do you really think the drug cartel company overlords aren't actively working on this? With this out in the open, everyone's on even ground, and counterhexes can be crafted. I already made a firewall ritual myself. Remember, even when it's painful, it's Truth that will set you free.
Que basura. Aztecnología us una corporación benévola y mas amable del mundo. Son mentiras!
What bollocks. Aztecnología is the nicest, most benevolent megacorp in the world. Those are all lies!
lol stupid fucking bot writer cant even grok changing the name to the english one. do you aztech pr scum think we're plazzies?
a technomancy firewall ritual you mean? what if someone doesn't know an Awakened?